Our Stories

finding my other half of the heart

Please log me out of the POLISH HEARTS website, thanking the Administration for allowing me to meet many interesting people and especially for finding my other half of my heart, with whom I have "Love" plans for my future life. I greet and thank you once again - Jolin31

thanks to your dating portal...

I just wanted to thank you for helping me find the love of my life through your dating portal, and he is now my husband...

Best regards :)))


This year in May we got married...

I would like to tell you my story. Thanks to you, I met a wonderful man- the love of my life. In May of this year, we got married, in August our wonderful, healthy daughter was born. Thank you for helping me find happiness and have a wonderful family. Elzbieta.

Thank you for this portal!

Thank you for this portal! Ladies and gentlemen, I found what I was looking for my whole life... I have a request for you, could you make it so that when someone enters my profile, there is information that this user has already found what they were looking for: love. Thank you once again...

Love happiness of user Ania1972

I wanted to thank you for the fun we had together, thanks to you I found my love, the person who changed my whole life, thank you to the entire PH team. Ania

I met the right man.

Please delete my account. The reason for my request is that I have met a suitable man on your dating portal and I want to end my search.

Thank you, Aniela